USA, Grandview Heights Nachsehen

The Educational System Has Failed US’: The Grief and Frustration of Jordan’s Unemployed University Graduates

The Educational System Has Failed US’: The Grief and Frustration of Jordan’s Unemployed University Graduates

2017 bought with itself the unfortunate rise of unemployment. 2018 promises an even bigger rise.

The matter is worse for university degree holders. 23% university degree holders are unemployed of which 27% are men and 68% women. On the other hand, tuition fees have been skyrocketing. Graduates complain that universities navigate politics, charge really high fees and the end result is underpaid jobs, and worse, unemployment. The graduates are offered jobs low then their qualifications.

A former student, Lara Mohsen, of Al-Balqa Applied University said, “My education has, if anything, hindered my employment.”


The problem is worse in Jordon. The government of Jordon is parliamentary monarchy where students deal with constantly changing admission policies. Students also witness tribal classes that are often dangerous.

Annual reports issued by Jordon’s Civil Service shows which majors are not needed anymore in the economy and they have advices the Ministry of Higher Education to shut down those particular majors.

There are many students that are struggling with unemployment even after investing a huge chunk of money into acquiring their degrees.

Many more issues lie in the educational system of US that have failed students and have resulted in the joblessness experienced by many graduates.

Autor: KP
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