USA, Grandview Heights Consulter

Trump says community colleges should be called ‘vocational’ schools. Um, they aren’t the same thing

Trump says community colleges should be called ‘vocational’ schools. Um, they aren’t the same thing

President Trump recently made a statement saying that community colleges and vocational schools should be called the same name as they represent the same thing.

There are two problems with the president’s statement. The first: the two are not the same and do not represent the same thing. The second problem is that many Americans do know the benefits that community colleges offers.


Trump was reported saying:

Vocational schools — today, you have community colleges and you have all of the — when I was growing up, we had vocational schools. And when I was going to school, I remember I was in high school, and there were people in class, one person in particular, he wasn’t like the greatest student. And he just wasn’t. And yet I saw him one day, and he was able to fix a car engine blindfolded. And everybody else was saying that’s amazing how talented he is. He had a different kind of a talent, and we should have vocational schools.

It seems as if the president is confused that the word are not interchangeable. And vocational is not a better way to describe community colleges.

When the president made the statement that many people do not know what community college means, he was maybe referring to himself.

Auteur: KP
USA, Grandview Heights S'identifier