USA, Bridgeport Buscar

Universities with the highest percentage of international students named

Universities with the highest percentage of international students named

Times Higher Education data conducted an analysis that showed that the highest percentage of students than any other world ranked universities is those in the American University of Sharjah.

Of the total students, 84% are overseas students who belong to more than a 100 different countries like Jordan, Pakistan, US, Egypt, and India.

The World University Rankings collected data from institutions to provide percentage figures of overseas students. The data was compiled, and a list of top 200 universities was compiled by the “THE”. These institutions are hosting the most foreign students.

The director of International exchange office, Lisa C. Angell from American University of Sharjah said that having foreign students contributes to diverse viewpoints.


An American student at AUS, Rainie Grant said that all challenges apart, she had the time of “incredible benefit and personal growth” in her time at AUS.

Other universities in the top five ranking with the highest percentage of foreign students include the London School of Economics and Political Science (70.0%), Central European University (77.4%), the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (62.3%) and the University of Luxembourg (62.3%).

Most universities, about 72, in the top 200 list included universities from UK. 16 were in London, and 5 were located in the capital's university in the top 10.

In an interview with foreign students from the third highest placed university, London School of Economics and Political Science, students told THE the main reason behind choosing the university was the wide range of opportunities it provides in courses and its location.

Autor: KP
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