USA, Grandview Heights Consultare

State Education Finance Systems Take Center Stage: How to craft truly equitable school funding systems stymies lawmakers in many states, experts say

State Education Finance Systems Take Center Stage: How to craft truly equitable school funding systems stymies lawmakers in many states, experts say

The state legislation has approved a new funding formula that provides more resources to the poor rural districts.

Andy Manar, state Senate said, “There will not be another generation of students that are subjected to inequity, the worst in the country, after this bill becomes law.”

In many State, capitols try to make state education finance systems equal for all school districts that serve students that need extra support such as students from low-income families or students with disabilities. However, the opportunity to do so only arises once in many years, and thus it is important that they get it right.

Due to the lack of education policy experts and complexities of school finance systems, lawmakers broaching the subject have rarely ever succeeded in creating an equal system.


States provide nearly half of school fundings across the country. The funds are doled through a formula. Money is sent to school districts and then to different schools. Despite all the efforts many fail to properly allocate these funds.

Due to the high pressure from educators, policy makers and parents it has become an opportunity for lawmakers to review school financial systems. However, it is easier said than done.

Courts have stepped into the picture to overhaul the outdated formulas that the legislatures have failed to do. At least seven states are now in the middle of an education finance litigation alleging state school finance systems are unconstitutional, National Conference of State Legislatures say.

Autore: REN
USA, Grandview Heights Accesso