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More US Colleges Seek International Students

More US Colleges Seek International Students

In the past five years, many efforts have been undergone in U.S to bring international students into U.S for studying purposes. Side by side, American students are sent overseas for their education. These facts have been confirmed by the surveys conducted by the American Council on Education (ACE) on educational institutes in U.S

Educational institutes have upped their game to internationalize their schools in the face of globalization. However, the primary focus is still on the number of international students coming into U.S, rather than domestic students going out.

In 2015-2016, U.S catered more than 1 million international students out of which, about 328,000 came from China, and about 165,000 came from India.


Contrarily, more than 310,000 students from U.S were sent abroad to study. Out of these 310,000 students, 63% spent the summer or 2 months abroad, 34% spent a semester abroad, and 2.5% spent an entire year abroad.

According to IIE's report, more than half of the students from U.S who go abroad to study, end up in Europe. Out of the total, 16% go to Latin America or the Caribbean, while only 11% go to Asia. International students make up a whole lot of the economy of U.S; $32.8 Billion in 2015, to be specific.

Аутор: KP
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