USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Amber Charter School (Kingsbridge)

New York, 3120 Corlear Ave, Bronx

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din 382 școli, New York

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Contacte, Amber Charter School (Kingsbridge)



646 802-1140

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Setările instituției, Amber Charter School (Kingsbridge)

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Rating, Amber Charter School (Kingsbridge)

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Informația generală, Amber Charter School (Kingsbridge)

Amber Charter School is located in the Kingsbridge neighborhood of the Bronx, New York. The school offers classes from kindergarten to eighth grade. With a focus on delivering a quality education, Amber Charter School provides a diverse curriculum that includes various disciplines such as English, math, science, social studies, and physical education.

Amber Charter School boasts modern facilities, including well-equipped classrooms and a library that encourages students' love for reading and research. The school also provides access to a computer lab and technology resources to enhance the learning experience. Additionally, Amber Charter School offers extracurricular activities and after-school programs that promote creativity, critical thinking, and personal development.

Pros of Amber Charter School include its commitment to maintaining small class sizes, allowing for personalized attention and fostering a supportive learning environment. The school's dedicated faculty and staff work collaboratively with parents to ensure students' success academically and socially. Amber Charter School also emphasizes character education, instilling values such as respect, responsibility, and empathy in their students.

Cons of Amber Charter School include the absence of high school grades, limiting continuity for students who wish to continue their education within the same institution. Additionally, the school's location in the Kingsbridge neighborhood may pose transportation challenges for some families, depending on their proximity to the area.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare