USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Porth Junior School

Porth, CF39 9TH End Of Primrose Terrace, Llwyncelyn, Porth

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Contacte, Porth Junior School

CF39 9TH


01443 683623

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Informația generală, Porth Junior School

meta: Porth Junior School offers a comprehensive education in Porth, providing a range of classes and disciplines for students of all grades. With excellent facilities, students have the opportunity to excel in their studies. While the school lacks certain amenities, its commitment to quality education is commendable.
  • Classes: Porth Junior School offers a wide range of classes for students of all grades, ensuring a comprehensive education.
  • Grades: The school caters to students from various grades, providing them with a nurturing and engaging learning environment.
  • Disciplines: Porth Junior School covers a wide range of disciplines, including Mathematics, English, Science, Social Studies, and more.
  • Facilities: The school boasts excellent facilities, including modern classrooms, a well-equipped library, a science lab, and outdoor sports facilities.
  • Pros: Porth Junior School is known for its dedicated and experienced teachers who strive to bring out the best in each student. The school also emphasizes extracurricular activities, allowing students to explore their interests and talents.
  • Cons: While Porth Junior School offers a high-quality education, it lacks certain amenities like a dedicated computer lab and a swimming pool.
Porth Junior School provides a comprehensive education in Porth, with a wide range of classes and disciplines for students of all grades. With excellent facilities, students have the opportunity to excel in their studies.
USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare