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Llangattock School

Monmouth, NP25 5NG Llangattock-Vibon-Avel, Monmouth

General information



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NP25 5NG

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General information, Llangattock School

Llangattock School in Monmouth, NP25 5NG Llangattock-Vibon-Avel, offers a range of classes for students of all grades. From early years education to secondary school, the school caters to the diverse learning needs of its students. The curriculum includes a variety of disciplines such as English, mathematics, science, history, geography, and foreign languages. The school also provides facilities like well-equipped classrooms, a library, a sports hall, and outdoor playing areas.

Pros of Llangattock School include its dedicated and experienced staff, who create a supportive and nurturing environment for learning. The school's commitment to the individual needs of students ensures that each child receives personalized attention and is encouraged to reach their full potential. Additionally, the wide range of extracurricular activities offered by the school allows students to pursue their interests outside of the classroom.

However, it's important to note that Llangattock School may have limited resources for some specialized subjects and extracurricular activities. Furthermore, the school's location in a rural area may pose transportation challenges for some students.

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