USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

David Livingstone Memoria

Blantyre, South Lanarkshire, Blantyre, Glasgow Road, David Livingstone Memorial Primary School

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Informația generală, David Livingstone Memoria

David Livingstone Memorial Primary School is located in Blantyre, South Lanarkshire, on Glasgow Road. The school offers grades from primary 1 to primary 7, catering to students aged 5 to 12. Students are taught a wide range of subjects including English, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education. The school also offers specialized classes in music, art, and foreign languages.

The school has well-equipped classrooms with modern technology and resources to enhance the learning experience of students. Additionally, there are outdoor facilities such as playgrounds and sports fields to encourage physical activity and sports participation. The school also has a library and a computer lab to support students' research and technology skills. In terms of extracurricular activities, the school offers various clubs and societies where students can explore their interests and talents.

One of the main advantages of David Livingstone Memorial Primary School is its strong emphasis on character development and values education. The school promotes a positive and inclusive learning environment, fostering respect, cooperation, and personal responsibility among students. The dedicated and experienced teaching staff is committed to providing quality education and individual attention to each student.

However, some potential disadvantages of the school could be its location, which may be inconvenient for students living far away, and limited extracurricular options compared to larger schools. Additionally, although the school strives for excellence, academic resources and programs may vary based on funding and availability.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare