USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor


Dundonnell, Highland, Garve, Dundonnell, Badcaul Primary School

Informații generale


Contacte, Badcaul

IV23 2QY


01854 633265
01854 633265

Telefoane de contact



Setările instituției, Badcaul

De stat
Pre gradiniță

Rating, Badcaul

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Informația generală, Badcaul

Badcaul Primary School is located in the small village of Dundonnell in the scenic Highland region of Garve. The school offers quality education to students from various backgrounds. With a focus on academic excellence and holistic development, Badcaul Primary School ensures that each student reaches their full potential.

The school provides classes from primary one to primary seven, catering to students aged five to twelve. The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects including English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Art, and Music. Dedicated and qualified teachers create a nurturing learning environment to help students thrive.

Facilities at Badcaul Primary School are modern and well-equipped. The school boasts spacious classrooms, a dedicated library with a diverse collection of books, a science laboratory, and a computer room. Additionally, there are outdoor play areas and a sports field where students can engage in sports and physical activities.

Pros of Badcaul Primary School include its picturesque location, small class sizes, and a supportive community. The village of Dundonnell offers a tranquil setting for learning, with opportunities to explore the natural beauty of the Highlands. The small class sizes ensure individual attention, allowing teachers to cater to the unique needs of each student. The close-knit community fosters a sense of belonging and provides a strong support system.

While Badcaul Primary School is known for its academic excellence and dedicated staff, one downside is the limited extracurricular activities available. Due to its remote location, the school may have fewer options for extracurricular clubs and activities compared to urban schools. However, efforts are made to organize community events and field trips to enhance the overall learning experience.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare