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Contacte, Meadowburn Gaelic Unit
G64 3LL
Telefoane de contact
PK-5Setările instituției, Meadowburn Gaelic Unit
Fotografiile adaugate de utilizatori, Meadowburn Gaelic Unit
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Informația generală, Meadowburn Gaelic Unit
Meadowburn Gaelic Unit is located in Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire. It is housed within Meadowburn Primary School and offers classes in Gaelic for students from various grades. The unit focuses on providing students with bilingual education, enhancing their language skills and cultural understanding.
The unit offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes subjects such as mathematics, English, science, social studies, and Gaelic language and culture. Students have access to dedicated Gaelic teachers who are passionate about promoting the language and supporting their learning needs.
The facility at Meadowburn Gaelic Unit provides a conducive learning environment with well-equipped classrooms and resources for language education. Students can actively engage in language activities, participate in cultural events, and benefit from immersion experiences that foster fluency.
Pros of Meadowburn Gaelic Unit include fostering bilingualism, promoting cultural diversity, and preparing students for future language opportunities. Students gain a strong foundation in Gaelic language and culture while still receiving a comprehensive education in other subjects.
Cons may include limited availability of Gaelic-medium education in the surrounding area, potential challenges of adapting to a bilingual curriculum, and potential limitations in extracurricular activities for Gaelic students. However, the benefits of language learning and cultural enrichment outweigh these considerations.
Recenzii, Meadowburn Gaelic Unit
În total au fost adaugate 0 recenzii