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Contacte, Ardler
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PK-5Setările instituției, Ardler
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Informația generală, Ardler
Ardler Primary School, located in Dundee City, is a reputable educational institution offering a wide range of classes for students of different ages and grades. The school aims to provide a comprehensive learning experience for its students, focusing on various disciplines.
Classes and Grades
Ardler Primary School offers classes from kindergarten through primary school grades (1-7). Students progress through each grade, building their knowledge and skills in different subjects.
The school covers a diverse range of disciplines including English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, and physical education. This ensures a well-rounded education and exposes students to various fields of knowledge.
Ardler Primary School provides modern facilities to enhance the learning experience. It includes well-equipped classrooms, libraries, computer labs, and sports facilities that support both physical and academic development.
Pros and Cons
Ardler Primary School boasts dedicated and experienced teaching staff, focused on providing quality education. The school fosters a supportive and inclusive environment, encouraging students to reach their full potential.
However, one potential downside is the limited availability of extracurricular activities, which could restrict students' participation in additional learning opportunities.
Recenzii, Ardler
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