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Baxter College (Academy Converter)

Kidderminster, Habberley Rd, Kidderminster DY11 5PQ, UK

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Baxter College (Academy Converter)

DY11 5PQ

الرمز البريدي




5 - 12

المميزات, Baxter College (Academy Converter)

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التقييم, Baxter College (Academy Converter)

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صور المستخدمين, Baxter College (Academy Converter)

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معلومات عامة, Baxter College (Academy Converter)

Baxter College is an academy converter located in Kidderminster, UK. The college offers a wide range of classes and disciplines to its students. From core subjects like English, math, and science, to humanities, arts, and physical education, students have plenty of options to explore their interests. The college follows a structured grading system to evaluate student performance and provides continuous support to help students excel academically.

The college boasts modern facilities including well-equipped classrooms, computer labs, sports facilities, and a dedicated library. Students have access to advanced technology and resources, enabling them to enhance their learning experience. The college also promotes extracurricular activities and clubs, encouraging students to develop skills outside of academics.

Pros of Baxter College include a diverse range of classes, excellent facilities, and a supportive learning environment. Students have the opportunity to excel in their chosen disciplines and receive personalized attention from dedicated teachers. The college aims to foster a strong sense of community and offers various programs for personal development and career guidance.

Cons of Baxter College may include limited availability in certain specialized subjects and potential overcrowding in popular classes. Additionally, due to the college's location, transportation may be a consideration for some students residing far from the campus.

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