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Contacte, Broadmeadow Special School (Academy Special Converter)
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PK - 1Setările instituției, Broadmeadow Special School (Academy Special Converter)
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Informația generală, Broadmeadow Special School (Academy Special Converter)
Broadmeadow Special School is a specialized academy converter in Wolverhampton, UK. We cater to children with special educational needs and offer a range of classes and disciplines to help them reach their full potential. Our experienced staff provides individualized support and personalized learning programs for each student. We offer classes from reception to sixth form, ensuring continuity and progression for our students. Our school has excellent facilities including sensory rooms, outdoor spaces, and specialized equipment to cater to the diverse needs of our students. Pros of our school include dedicated staff, personalized learning, and a supportive environment. However, cons may include limited resources and a potentially increased commute for some families.
Recenzii, Broadmeadow Special School (Academy Special Converter)
În total au fost adaugate 0 recenzii