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Eleanor Smith School (Academy Special Converter)

London, London E13 0BW, UK

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Eleanor Smith School (Academy Special Converter)

الموقع الإلكتروني

E13 9HN

الرمز البريدي




KG - 9

المميزات, Eleanor Smith School (Academy Special Converter)


التقييم, Eleanor Smith School (Academy Special Converter)

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صور المستخدمين, Eleanor Smith School (Academy Special Converter)

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معلومات عامة, Eleanor Smith School (Academy Special Converter)

Eleanor Smith School, located in London E13 0BW, is an Academy Special Converter that offers a specialized education to students with a range of disabilities and complex needs. The school provides classes for students from diverse age groups and grades, catering to their specific requirements. From pre-school to post-16, students receive tailored support in various disciplines, including communication, literacy, numeracy, and social skills development.

The school boasts state-of-the-art facilities that are designed to promote learning, independence, and well-being. These facilities include sensory rooms, therapy rooms, specialist equipment, and assistive technology. The dedicated staff members at Eleanor Smith School are highly trained and experienced in supporting students with disabilities, ensuring that they have the best learning experience possible.

Pros of attending Eleanor Smith School include its specialized curriculum and individualized attention, which enable students to reach their full potential. The school also offers a holistic approach to education, placing emphasis on developing social and life skills alongside academic progress. The supportive and inclusive environment fosters a sense of belonging and enables students to thrive.

However, a potential con of attending Eleanor Smith School is that it may have limited availability and admission criteria specific to students with disabilities. Additionally, the specialized nature of the school may mean that some students miss out on opportunities for mainstream education or integration.

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