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Setările instituției, The Willows Primary School (Academy Converter)
Rating, The Willows Primary School (Academy Converter)
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Fotografiile adaugate de utilizatori, The Willows Primary School (Academy Converter)
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Informația generală, The Willows Primary School (Academy Converter)
The Willows Primary School in Basildon is an academy converter offering classes from Reception to Year 6. The school focuses on providing a well-rounded education, with a strong emphasis on academic excellence and personal development. The curriculum covers a wide range of disciplines, including English, mathematics, science, history, geography, art, music, physical education, and more. The school boasts modern facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, a library, a playground, and sports facilities. The teachers are dedicated and experienced, providing a supportive learning environment for students. Pros of The Willows Primary School include a strong academic program, a focus on personal development, and modern facilities. However, as with any institution, there may be some cons, such as potential class size limitations. Overall, The Willows Primary School is committed to providing a high-quality education for its students.
Recenzii, The Willows Primary School (Academy Converter)
În total au fost adaugate 0 recenzii