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St Martin's Garden Primary School (Academy Sponsor Led)

Bath, Lympsham Green, Odd Down, Bath BA2 2UN, United Kingdom

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جهات الاتصال, St Martin's Garden Primary School (Academy Sponsor Led)


الرمز البريدي




PK - 5

المميزات, St Martin's Garden Primary School (Academy Sponsor Led)

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التقييم, St Martin's Garden Primary School (Academy Sponsor Led)

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صور المستخدمين, St Martin's Garden Primary School (Academy Sponsor Led)

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معلومات عامة, St Martin's Garden Primary School (Academy Sponsor Led)

St Martin's Garden Primary School (Academy Sponsor Led) is a school located in Bath, United Kingdom. The school offers classes from Reception to Year 6, providing education for children aged 4 to 11. The curriculum follows the national guidelines, covering a wide range of subjects including English, mathematics, science, history, geography, art, music, physical education, and more.

The school has a dedicated and experienced team of teachers who strive to provide high-quality education to every student. They focus on creating a nurturing and supportive environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

In terms of facilities, St Martin's Garden Primary School has well-equipped classrooms with modern technology to enhance the learning experience. There are also dedicated spaces for art, music, and physical education activities. The school has a library where students can explore various books and develop a love for reading.

Pros of St Martin's Garden Primary School include its strong sense of community and engaging learning opportunities. The school organizes various extracurricular activities, including sports events, field trips, and cultural programs, to enhance the overall development of students.

However, one potential drawback is the school's location. Situated in a residential area, it may not have large outdoor spaces for recreational activities. Nevertheless, the school makes the most of its available resources to provide a well-rounded educational experience.

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