USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School (Academy Sponsor Led)

Solihull, Solihull B92 9LX, UK

Informații generale


Contacte, Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School (Academy Sponsor Led)

B92 9LX



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Setările instituției, Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School (Academy Sponsor Led)

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Rating, Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School (Academy Sponsor Led)

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Informația generală, Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School (Academy Sponsor Led)

Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School (Academy Sponsor Led) in Solihull, UK offers classes for nursery and infant students. The school follows a structured curriculum that focuses on creating a nurturing and supportive learning environment. The dedicated staff ensures that each child receives personalized attention and support to foster their growth and development.

The school offers a range of disciplines including mathematics, English, science, physical education, and the arts. Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities and clubs, allowing them to explore their interests and develop their talents.

The school boasts modern and well-equipped facilities, including spacious classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a playground. These facilities provide students with the resources they need to excel academically and engage in interactive learning experiences. The school also has a canteen that serves nutritious meals to ensure students' well-being.

Pros: - Nurturing and supportive learning environment - Structured curriculum ensuring holistic development - Dedicated staff providing personalized attention - Range of disciplines and extracurricular activities - Modern and well-equipped facilities - Nutritious meals provided in the canteen

Cons: - No specific cons reported or mentioned.

This school provides a nurturing and structured learning environment, offering a range of disciplines and extracurricular activities. With modern facilities and dedicated staff, Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School prioritizes the holistic development of its students.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare