USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Esher Church of England High School (Academy Converter)

Esher, More Ln, Esher KT10 8AP, UK

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Contacte, Esher Church of England High School (Academy Converter)

KT10 8AP



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Informația generală, Esher Church of England High School (Academy Converter)

Esher Church of England High School (Academy Converter) is a renowned educational institution located in Esher, UK. The school offers a comprehensive range of classes and disciplines to students of various grades.

At Esher Church of England High School, students can expect to find a diverse curriculum that encompasses subjects such as English, mathematics, sciences, social sciences, languages, humanities, arts, and physical education. The dedicated faculty ensures a high standard of teaching and actively supports students' academic growth and personal development.

The school maintains excellent facilities that cater to the needs of its students. State-of-the-art classrooms, well-equipped science and computer laboratories, a library stocked with a vast collection of books and resources, and a sports complex are among the many facilities available.

Prospective students can look forward to a nurturing and inclusive educational environment that promotes creativity, critical thinking, and a sense of community. Esher Church of England High School fosters a strong partnership with parents and encourages active involvement in the students' education. It also celebrates diversity and instills values of respect, empathy, and responsibility.

While Esher Church of England High School boasts numerous advantages, it is essential to consider some potential cons. Due to its high reputation and popularity, admission might be competitive. Additionally, the school's location might be a factor for some individuals, as it is situated in Esher.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare