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Broadway Academy (Academy Converter)

Birmingham, The Broadway, Birmingham B20 3DP, UK

General information



of 481 schools, Birmingham

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Contacts, Broadway Academy (Academy Converter)

B20 3DP

Postal code




5 - 12

Features, Broadway Academy (Academy Converter)

Middle school

Rating, Broadway Academy (Academy Converter)

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General information, Broadway Academy (Academy Converter)

Broadway Academy is an Academy Converter located in Birmingham, UK. Offering classes and disciplines for students of all grades, the school provides a diverse curriculum to cater to various interests and learning needs. From arts and humanities to science and technology, students have a wide range of subjects to choose from. The academy boasts excellent facilities, including modern classrooms, well-equipped science labs, a library, and sports facilities. These facilities support students' academic and extracurricular pursuits, allowing them to explore their passions and develop their skills. One of the pros of attending Broadway Academy is the diverse curriculum options. Students can choose from a wide array of subjects, allowing them to tailor their education to their interests and future goals. This ensures a well-rounded education that prepares them for higher education or the workforce. However, one potential con of Broadway Academy is the possibility of overcrowding. With a large student population, there may be limited space and resources, leading to crowded classrooms or extracurricular activities. However, the school strives to manage this effectively and provide a supportive learning environment. Overall, Broadway Academy in Birmingham offers a comprehensive learning experience with its variety of classes, disciplines, and excellent facilities. With its commitment to providing a diverse curriculum, students can explore their interests and receive a well-rounded education.
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