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Cedar Mount Academy (Academy Sponsor Led)

Gorton, Manchester M18 7DT, UK

General information



of 2 schools, Gorton

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Contacts, Cedar Mount Academy (Academy Sponsor Led)

M18 7DT

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5 - 10

Features, Cedar Mount Academy (Academy Sponsor Led)

Middle school

Rating, Cedar Mount Academy (Academy Sponsor Led)

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General information, Cedar Mount Academy (Academy Sponsor Led)

Cedar Mount Academy is an academy in Gorton, Manchester that offers a wide range of classes and disciplines to students of all grades. The academy provides a comprehensive education focused on academic success and personal development.

Classes at Cedar Mount Academy cover a variety of subjects including math, English, science, history, geography, languages, and physical education. Students are encouraged to explore their interests and develop their skills through a diverse range of elective courses.

Grades at Cedar Mount Academy span from lower school (Year 7 and 8) to upper school (Year 9 to 11). The academy follows a rigorous curriculum that prepares students for their GCSE exams, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary for further education or employment.

The academy boasts state-of-the-art facilities to support student learning. The campus features modern classrooms, well-equipped science labs, a library, a sports hall, and outdoor sports fields. These facilities provide students with a comfortable and stimulating environment to thrive academically and socially.

Pros of attending Cedar Mount Academy include its commitment to academic excellence, dedicated and highly qualified teaching staff, extensive extracurricular activities, and a strong focus on preparing students for their future endeavors.

Like any educational institution, Cedar Mount Academy has its cons. Some students may find the large class sizes challenging, while others might prefer a more specialized curriculum in a specific discipline.

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