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Wilds Lodge School (Other Independent Special School)

Oakham, Wilds Lodge, Stamford Rd, Empingham, Oakham LE15 8QQ, UK

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Wilds Lodge School (Other Independent Special School)

LE15 8QQ

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المميزات, Wilds Lodge School (Other Independent Special School)


التقييم, Wilds Lodge School (Other Independent Special School)

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صور المستخدمين, Wilds Lodge School (Other Independent Special School)

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معلومات عامة, Wilds Lodge School (Other Independent Special School)

Wilds Lodge School is an Other Independent Special School located in Oakham, UK. The school caters to students with special educational needs and offers a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

The school offers a wide range of classes and disciplines to meet the diverse needs of its students. From academic subjects to vocational training, the curriculum is designed to help students build essential skills and knowledge for future success.

Grades at Wilds Lodge School are tailored to each student's individual needs and abilities. The school recognizes and supports students at various levels, ensuring that they receive personalized attention and education.

Wilds Lodge School provides excellent facilities to support a holistic learning experience. It has well-equipped classrooms, specialized teaching areas, and outdoor spaces for recreational activities. The school also offers therapeutic services and extracurricular activities to support students' emotional and physical well-being.

Pros of Wilds Lodge School include its commitment to inclusive education, highly trained and dedicated staff, and a nurturing environment that fosters independence and resilience. The school encourages parental involvement and provides ongoing support to students even after they graduate.

Cons of Wilds Lodge School may include limited enrollment capacity due to the nature of specialized education and the location of the school.

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