USA, Grandview Heights देखो

St Mary's School and 6th Form College (Non-Maintained Special School)

Bexhill-on-Sea, Wrestwood Rd, Bexhill TN40 2LU, UK

सामान्य जानकारी


संपर्क, St Mary's School and 6th Form College (Non-Maintained Special School)


TN40 2LU

डाक कोड




1 - UG

विशेषताएं, St Mary's School and 6th Form College (Non-Maintained Special School)


रेटिंग, St Mary's School and 6th Form College (Non-Maintained Special School)

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आवश्यकता 4 स्टूडियो रेटिंग









उपयोगकर्ता तस्वीरें, St Mary's School and 6th Form College (Non-Maintained Special School)

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सामान्य जानकारी, St Mary's School and 6th Form College (Non-Maintained Special School)

St Mary's School and 6th Form College is a non-maintained special school located in Bexhill-on-Sea, UK. The school caters to students with special educational needs from ages 11 to 19.

The school offers a wide range of classes and disciplines to meet the diverse needs and abilities of its students. These include academic subjects such as English, Math, and Science, as well as vocational courses like IT, Catering, and Horticulture.

St Mary's School and 6th Form College follows a holistic approach to education, focusing not only on academic success but also on the development of life skills and independence. The school provides a supportive and nurturing environment, with small class sizes and a high staff-to-student ratio.

The school's facilities are modern and well-equipped, designed to meet the unique requirements of students with special needs. These include specialized classrooms, sensory rooms, therapy rooms, and a fully accessible campus.

Pros of St Mary's School and 6th Form College include individualized support, a broad curriculum, and a strong focus on promoting independence. The school also has a dedicated team of experienced and qualified staff who are passionate about helping students reach their full potential.

Cons of St Mary's School and 6th Form College include the limited capacity due to specialized facilities and the commute for some students who live far from Bexhill-on-Sea.

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