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Моgućnosti, Kings Hill School (Community School)
Ocjena, Kings Hill School (Community School)
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fotografije korisnika, Kings Hill School (Community School)
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Opće informacije, Kings Hill School (Community School)
Kings Hill School is a community school located in West Malling, UK. They offer a wide range of classes for students from different grades. The school focuses on various disciplines, including math, science, arts, and more. Dedicated teachers and staff provide high-quality education and support to the students. The school also boasts excellent facilities, including modern classrooms, well-equipped labs, and a library. Students benefit from a strong sense of community, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment. However, the school may have limited extracurricular activities compared to other schools. Additionally, due to its popularity, there is a potential issue of overcrowding. Nonetheless, Kings Hill School aims to provide a quality education and nurture the overall development of its students.
Utisci, Kings Hill School (Community School)
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