USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

St Andrew's Catholic School (Voluntary Aided School)

Leatherhead, Grange Rd, Leatherhead KT22 7JP, UK

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din 22 școli, Leatherhead

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Contacte, St Andrew's Catholic School (Voluntary Aided School)

KT22 7JP



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5 - 12

Setările instituției, St Andrew's Catholic School (Voluntary Aided School)

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Informația generală, St Andrew's Catholic School (Voluntary Aided School)

St Andrew's Catholic School is a Voluntary Aided School located in Leatherhead, UK. The school offers a wide range of classes and disciplines for students of all ages. From primary to secondary education, St Andrew's Catholic School provides a nurturing environment for students to grow academically and spiritually.

The school follows a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on core subjects like English, Math, Science, and Humanities. In addition to these, students also have access to vocational courses, including Design & Technology, Art & Design, and Physical Education.

The school is divided into different grade levels, ensuring that each student receives education catered to their age and developmental stage. Experienced and dedicated teachers provide guidance and support to help students excel in their studies.

St Andrew's Catholic School boasts a range of facilities to enhance the learning experience. The campus features well-equipped classrooms, science laboratories, a library, and computer labs. Sports facilities, including a sports hall and outdoor playing fields, promote physical activities and foster teamwork.

Pros of St Andrew's Catholic School include the integration of faith into the curriculum, promoting spiritual growth alongside academic learning. The school also emphasizes a supportive and inclusive community, where students feel valued and respected.

However, some potential cons of the school may include limited extracurricular activities and a strict adherence to Catholic doctrine.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare