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Elérhetőség, Saint Felix School (Other Independent School)
PK - 12Tulajdonságok, Saint Felix School (Other Independent School)
Felhasználók fényképei, Saint Felix School (Other Independent School)
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Általános információ, Saint Felix School (Other Independent School)
Saint Felix School is an other independent school located in Southwold, Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB. The school offers a comprehensive range of classes and disciplines for students of all grades. From kindergarten to grade 12, Saint Felix School provides a well-rounded education that focuses on academic, artistic, and athletic development. The school's facilities are top-notch, including state-of-the-art classrooms, science labs, arts studios, sports fields, and a well-stocked library. The dedicated faculty and staff ensure that students receive individual attention and support. However, although the school is known for its excellent education, the remote location of the school may pose a challenge for some families.
Értékelések, Saint Felix School (Other Independent School)
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