USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Holton St Peter Community Primary School (Community School)

Halesworth, Holton St Peter Cp School, Bungay Rd, Holton, Halesworth IP19 8PL, UK

Informații generale


Contacte, Holton St Peter Community Primary School (Community School)

IP19 8PL



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PK - 5

Setările instituției, Holton St Peter Community Primary School (Community School)

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Informația generală, Holton St Peter Community Primary School (Community School)

Holton St Peter Community Primary School is a community school located in Halesworth, UK. The school offers a range of classes and grades for primary school students. The curriculum is designed to provide a well-rounded education, including subjects such as English, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education. The school also offers extracurricular activities to enhance student learning and development.

The facilities at Holton St Peter Community Primary School are modern and well-equipped, providing a conducive learning environment for students. The classrooms are spacious and equipped with the latest technology to support interactive learning. The school also has a library, playground, sports facilities, and a canteen.

Pros of Holton St Peter Community Primary School include its commitment to community involvement and collaboration. The school values inclusivity and encourages parental involvement in its activities. The dedicated and experienced teaching staff ensures the academic success of students. The school's emphasis on character development and fostering a positive learning environment are also noteworthy advantages.

While Holton St Peter Community Primary School offers a comprehensive education, some potential cons include limited extracurricular options compared to larger schools and limited advanced programs for high-achieving students. However, the school strives to provide a well-rounded education and encourages students to explore their interests and talents through available resources.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare