USA, Point Pleasant Beach Selectarea instituțiilor

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School and Nursery (Voluntary Aided School)

Burnham-on-Sea, Oxford St, Burnham-on-Sea TA8 1LG, UK

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din 4 școli, Burnham-on-Sea

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Contacte, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School and Nursery (Voluntary Aided School)




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Setările instituției, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School and Nursery (Voluntary Aided School)

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Rating, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School and Nursery (Voluntary Aided School)

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Informația generală, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School and Nursery (Voluntary Aided School)

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School and Nursery is a Voluntary Aided School located in Burnham-on-Sea, UK. The school offers classes from Nursery to Year 6, providing quality education to children in the local community.

The school follows a structured curriculum that covers a range of disciplines including English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Design Technology, PE, Music, and Religious Education. The dedicated teachers ensure that students receive a well-rounded education.

The school facilities include spacious classrooms, a library, a computer lab, a playground, and a sports field. These facilities enhance the learning experience, allowing students to explore different subjects and engage in physical activities.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School and Nursery emphasizes the importance of spiritual development and instills Catholic values in students. Regular Mass and religious celebrations are held, fostering a sense of community and faith.

Pros of attending the school include a supportive learning environment, dedicated staff, and a strong sense of community. The school encourages parent involvement and holds regular events and workshops to engage parents in their child's education.

However, a potential drawback is the limited availability of spaces due to the school's popularity and high demand. Admissions may be competitive, requiring early registration. Despite this, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School and Nursery is committed to providing an excellent education to students.

USA, Point Pleasant Beach Autorizare