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The Manor Preparatory School (Other Independent School)

Abingdon, Faringdon Rd, Abingdon OX13 6LN, United Kingdom

Генерална информација


Контакти, The Manor Preparatory School (Other Independent School)

OX13 6LN

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PK - 5

Могућности, The Manor Preparatory School (Other Independent School)


Рејтинг, The Manor Preparatory School (Other Independent School)

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Фотографије корисника, The Manor Preparatory School (Other Independent School)

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Генерална информација, The Manor Preparatory School (Other Independent School)

The Manor Preparatory School is an independent school located in Abingdon, United Kingdom. It offers a comprehensive education for children aged 2 to 11. The school provides a wide range of classes and disciplines, including English, mathematics, science, history, geography, art, music, physical education, and languages. Classes are organized by age group, with students progressing through grades from Reception to Year 6.

The school boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, a well-equipped library, dedicated music and art rooms, a science laboratory, and a sports hall. The outdoor spaces offer extensive playing fields, a playground, and a nature trail. The school also has access to nearby sports facilities, allowing for a variety of extracurricular activities.

One of the key advantages of The Manor Preparatory School is its dedicated teaching staff, who provide a nurturing and stimulating learning environment. The small class sizes enable individual attention and personalized support for each student. The school also emphasizes the development of character, instilling values such as resilience, respect, and responsibility.

However, as with any school, there are cons to consider. The location of the school may be a drawback for some, as it is situated on Faringdon Road. Additionally, the fees associated with an independent school education may be a consideration for some families.

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