USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Hardwick Primary School (Community School)

Banbury, Hardwick Primary School, Ferriston, Banbury OX16 1XE, UK

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Contacte, Hardwick Primary School (Community School)

OX16 1XE



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Informația generală, Hardwick Primary School (Community School)

Hardwick Primary School is a community school located in Banbury, UK. The school offers classes from pre-primary to Grade 6, providing education for students aged 4 to 11.

The school follows a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses a range of subjects including English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Music, and Physical Education. The curriculum is designed to ensure holistic development and foster a love of learning among students.

Hardwick Primary School boasts state-of-the-art facilities that enhance the learning experience. The classrooms are equipped with modern technology such as interactive whiteboards, computers, and audio-visual aids. The school also has dedicated spaces for art, music, and physical activities.

The dedicated and highly qualified staff at Hardwick Primary School ensure that students receive a high-quality education. They provide individualized support, ensuring that each student's needs are met. The school also encourages active parental involvement through regular communication and events.

The community spirit at Hardwick Primary School is one of its greatest strengths. The school organizes various events throughout the year, fostering a sense of belonging among students, staff, and parents. The strong sense of community promotes a positive learning environment.

While the school offers a nurturing and supportive environment, it is important to note that the facilities may be limited in terms of extracurricular activities. However, this limitation is balanced by the school's unwavering commitment to academic excellence and community engagement.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare