USA, Somerville Selectarea instituțiilor

North Wheatley Church of England Primary School (Voluntary Controlled School)

Retford, Sturton Road, South Wheatley, Retford DN22 9DH, United Kingdom

Informații generale


Contacte, North Wheatley Church of England Primary School (Voluntary Controlled School)

DN22 9DH



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Setările instituției, North Wheatley Church of England Primary School (Voluntary Controlled School)

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Rating, North Wheatley Church of England Primary School (Voluntary Controlled School)

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Informația generală, North Wheatley Church of England Primary School (Voluntary Controlled School)

North Wheatley Church of England Primary School is a Voluntary Controlled School located in Retford, United Kingdom. The school offers classes from Reception to Year 6, providing education for children aged 4 to 11. The curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and focuses on a wide range of disciplines, including English, mathematics, science, history, geography, art, music, and physical education. The school is equipped with various facilities to support students' learning and development. It has spacious classrooms, a library, a computer room, a playground, and a sports field. The staff at North Wheatley Church of England Primary School are dedicated to providing a nurturing and inclusive learning environment, ensuring that each child receives the necessary support to flourish academically and socially. Pros of North Wheatley Church of England Primary School include a strong emphasis on Christian values, a supportive and engaging learning atmosphere, and a commitment to providing a high-quality education. The school also fosters strong partnerships with parents and the local community. However, it is important to note that specific pros and cons may vary depending on individual experiences and needs. Overall, North Wheatley Church of England Primary School is a reputable educational institution that strives to provide a well-rounded education for its students, nurturing their academic and personal growth. A nurturing and inclusive primary school in Retford, UK, offering a high-quality education from Reception to Year 6, based on the National Curriculum.
USA, Somerville Autorizare