USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

North Denes Primary School (Community School)

Great Yarmouth, Great Yarmouth NR30 4HF, UK

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din 43 școli, Great Yarmouth

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Contacte, North Denes Primary School (Community School)

NR30 4HF



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Informația generală, North Denes Primary School (Community School)

North Denes Primary School is a community school located in Great Yarmouth, UK. The school provides a supportive and inclusive learning environment for students in grades from Reception to Year 6. The dedicated and experienced staff at North Denes Primary School offer a wide range of classes and disciplines, including English, math, science, art, music, physical education, and more.

With a focus on holistic development, the school offers facilities to enhance students' learning experience. These facilities include well-equipped classrooms, a library, a computer lab, a playground, and a sports field. The school also organizes various extracurricular activities and educational trips to broaden students' horizons.

Pros of North Denes Primary School include a strong sense of community, a nurturing environment, and dedicated staff that work closely with parents to support students' academic and personal growth. Additionally, the school emphasizes the importance of character development and instills values such as respect and responsibility.

Some potential cons of the school may include limited resources and facilities compared to larger institutions, as well as the potential for overcrowding in certain grades. However, North Denes Primary School strives to create a positive and engaging learning environment for all students.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare