USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Hemsby Primary School (Community School)

Great Yarmouth, Hemsby, Great Yarmouth NR29 4LH, UK

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din 43 școli, Great Yarmouth

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NR29 4LH



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Informația generală, Hemsby Primary School (Community School)

Hemsby Primary School is a welcoming community school located in Great Yarmouth. The school offers a range of classes from Reception to Year 6, providing a solid foundation for children's education. The dedicated staff ensures a supportive learning environment where children can thrive academically and personally.

The curriculum is comprehensive and covers all key subjects, including English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Art, Music, and Physical Education. The school values creativity and offers regular lessons in Drama, Dance, and Design Technology to foster students' artistic skills.

The school facilities are modern and well-equipped, with spacious classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a dedicated art room. Outside, there is a playground and a large field for sports activities. The school also benefits from a close proximity to the beach and local nature reserves, providing opportunities for educational outings.

One of the key advantages of Hemsby Primary School is its commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive community. The school encourages parent involvement through various activities and events, strengthening the partnership between home and school. Additionally, the school offers additional support for students with special educational needs, ensuring every child receives the necessary resources to succeed.

Overall, Hemsby Primary School provides a nurturing environment where children can receive a high-quality education while feeling valued and supported. With its comprehensive curriculum, dedicated staff, and inclusive community, the school is dedicated to helping students develop academically and personally.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare