USA, Somerville Selectarea instituțiilor

The St Nicholas Church of England Primary School, Boston (Voluntary Controlled School)

Boston, Woad Farm Rd, Boston PE21 0EF, UK

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Contacte, The St Nicholas Church of England Primary School, Boston (Voluntary Controlled School)

PE21 0EF



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Setările instituției, The St Nicholas Church of England Primary School, Boston (Voluntary Controlled School)

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Rating, The St Nicholas Church of England Primary School, Boston (Voluntary Controlled School)

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Informația generală, The St Nicholas Church of England Primary School, Boston (Voluntary Controlled School)

The St Nicholas Church of England Primary School, Boston is a voluntary controlled school located in Boston, UK. The school offers classes from Reception (ages 4-5) to Year 6 (ages 10-11) and follows the Church of England's ethos and values.

The school provides a well-rounded education, focusing on disciplines such as English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Music, and Physical Education. With a dedicated and experienced teaching staff, students receive personalized attention and are supported in their academic growth.

The facilities at St Nicholas Church of England Primary School include spacious classrooms, a library, a playground, and a computer lab. The school also has access to outdoor spaces for physical activities. These facilities enhance the learning environment and enable students to participate in a range of extracurricular activities.

Pros of attending St Nicholas Church of England Primary School include its strong focus on instilling moral values and a sense of community within its students. The school also offers a supportive and inclusive environment for students of all backgrounds and abilities. Additionally, the presence of dedicated staff helps ensure the holistic development of each student.

However, some cons include the limited availability of certain specialized subjects and the restricted extracurricular program offerings compared to larger schools. As a voluntary controlled school, the curriculum is based on the National Curriculum but integrates a Christian ethos into daily school life.

USA, Somerville Autorizare