USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

St Elizabeth's School (Non-Maintained Special School)

Much Hadham, Perry Green, Much Hadham SG10 6EW, UK

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din 2 școli, Much Hadham

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Contacte, St Elizabeth's School (Non-Maintained Special School)

SG10 6EW



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Setările instituției, St Elizabeth's School (Non-Maintained Special School)


Rating, St Elizabeth's School (Non-Maintained Special School)

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Fotografiile adaugate de utilizatori, St Elizabeth's School (Non-Maintained Special School)

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Informația generală, St Elizabeth's School (Non-Maintained Special School)

St Elizabeth's School is a non-maintained special school located in Much Hadham, Perry Green, UK. The school provides specialized education for students with a range of special educational needs and disabilities.

Classes at St Elizabeth's School are tailored to meet individual student's needs and abilities. The school offers a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for children from different backgrounds and age groups.

The school provides a wide range of disciplines to address the diverse educational needs of its students. These include academic subjects, vocational training, life skills development, and therapeutic programs.

St Elizabeth's School offers various grade levels, ensuring that each student receives appropriate education suitable for their developmental level. The school focuses on creating individualized learning plans to support students' progress and growth.

The school's facilities are designed to support both academic and extracurricular activities. It features well-equipped classrooms, sensory rooms, therapy rooms, music and arts studios, outdoor play areas, and sports facilities.

Pros of St Elizabeth's School include its highly trained and dedicated staff who provide personalized support to students, the inclusive and nurturing environment that fosters individual growth, and the comprehensive range of disciplines and facilities available.

Like any school, St Elizabeth's School also has some cons. These may include limited availability of certain resources, potential transportation challenges, and the need for ongoing collaboration and communication between the school and students' families to ensure the best possible educational experience.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare