USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Ghyllgrove Community Infant School (Community School)

Basildon, Basildon SS14 2BG, UK

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Contacte, Ghyllgrove Community Infant School (Community School)

SS14 2BY



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PK - 1

Setările instituției, Ghyllgrove Community Infant School (Community School)

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Informația generală, Ghyllgrove Community Infant School (Community School)

Ghyllgrove Community Infant School is a community school located in Basildon, UK. The school offers classes for children in nursery and reception grades. With a strong emphasis on early years development, the school focuses on providing a well-rounded education to its students. The dedicated and experienced staff ensures that each child receives individualized attention and support to enhance their learning experience.

The school has a range of facilities to support the learning and development of the students. The playground provides a space for physical activities and outdoor play, promoting active lifestyles and social interaction among the students. The library offers a wide selection of books and resources to encourage reading and enhance literacy skills. The ICT suite is equipped with computers and educational software to facilitate digital learning and computer literacy.

Pros of Ghyllgrove Community Infant School include its dedicated and experienced staff who are committed to providing a high-quality education. The school also benefits from a supportive community that actively participates in the school's activities and events. The emphasis on individualized learning ensures that each student's unique needs and abilities are catered to, promoting personal growth and academic success.

However, there are a few cons to consider. The school offers limited extra-curricular activities, which may restrict the students' exposure to a diverse range of interests and talents. Additionally, the learning space may be small compared to larger schools, which can impact the overall learning environment. Despite these drawbacks, Ghyllgrove Community Infant School is dedicated to nurturing its students and providing a strong foundation for their future education.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare