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St George's Infant School and Nursery (Community School)

Colchester, Barrington Rd, Colchester CO2 7RW, UK

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جهات الاتصال, St George's Infant School and Nursery (Community School)

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PK - 1

المميزات, St George's Infant School and Nursery (Community School)

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التقييم, St George's Infant School and Nursery (Community School)

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صور المستخدمين, St George's Infant School and Nursery (Community School)

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معلومات عامة, St George's Infant School and Nursery (Community School)

St George's Infant School and Nursery is a community school located in Colchester, UK. The school provides education for children aged 3 to 7 years, offering classes from nursery level up to primary education. The school aims to create a nurturing and inclusive environment for its students, with a focus on fostering their personal, social, and academic development.

The school offers a wide range of disciplines, including math, English, science, art, physical education, and more. The curriculum is designed to be engaging and age-appropriate, ensuring that children receive a well-rounded education. The dedicated staff at St George's Infant School and Nursery are committed to providing high-quality teaching and support to help each child reach their full potential.

Facilities at the school include well-equipped classrooms, a library, a playground, and a nursery. The nursery provides a safe and stimulating environment for younger children, giving them a head start in their educational journey.

Pros of St George's Infant School and Nursery include a strong sense of community, with regular opportunities for parents and staff to collaborate and support each other. The school also has a positive reputation for its caring and nurturing approach, ensuring that children feel valued and supported during their time at the school.

Cons of the school may include limited extracurricular activities compared to larger institutions. However, St George's Infant School and Nursery strives to provide a well-rounded education within its resources.

Overall, St George's Infant School and Nursery in Colchester is a welcoming and nurturing school that aims to provide a solid foundation for children's future education. Enroll your child today to give them the best start on their educational journey.

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