USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Ford Primary School (Community School)

Plymouth, Cambridge Rd, Plymouth PL2 1PU, UK

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Informația generală, Ford Primary School (Community School)

Ford Primary School is a community school located in Plymouth, UK. It offers classes from nursery to year 6, catering to children aged 3 to 11. The school focuses on providing a holistic education and equipping students with necessary skills for their future.

With a strong emphasis on academic achievement, Ford Primary School offers a wide range of disciplines including English, mathematics, science, history, geography, art, music, and physical education. The curriculum is designed to engage students and foster a love for learning.

The school boasts excellent facilities including modern classrooms, well-equipped science labs, a library, and dedicated spaces for music and art. It also has a spacious playground with various sports facilities, promoting physical activity and teamwork among students.

One of the advantages of Ford Primary School is its committed and passionate teaching staff who create a warm and inclusive learning environment. The school promotes positive behavior and provides support and guidance to students as they navigate their educational journey.

However, being a community school, Ford Primary may have limited resources compared to private institutions. Class sizes might be larger, which can impact individual attention. Nevertheless, the school strives to provide quality education to all students and encourages parental involvement in their child's education.

Meta description: Ford Primary School in Plymouth, UK, offers a comprehensive education from nursery to year 6. With a focus on academic achievement, the school provides a range of disciplines and excellent facilities. Committed staff create a nurturing environment. Limited resources and class sizes may be a consideration.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare