USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Duloe CofE VA Junior and Infant School (Voluntary Aided School)

Liskeard, The Green, Liskeard, Duloe, Liskeard PL14 4PW, UK

Informații generale


Contacte, Duloe CofE VA Junior and Infant School (Voluntary Aided School)

PL14 4PW



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PK - 5

Setările instituției, Duloe CofE VA Junior and Infant School (Voluntary Aided School)

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Rating, Duloe CofE VA Junior and Infant School (Voluntary Aided School)

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Informația generală, Duloe CofE VA Junior and Infant School (Voluntary Aided School)

Duloe CofE VA Junior and Infant School is a voluntary aided school located in the picturesque village of Duloe, Liskeard. The school offers classes for both primary and infant students, providing a well-rounded education that focuses on both academic and personal development.

The school follows the National Curriculum, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive education across various subject disciplines. From English and Mathematics to Science, Art, and Physical Education, students have access to a wide range of subjects, giving them a strong foundation for future learning.

The school caters to students from different grades, offering educational programs for both junior and infant levels. Experienced teachers employ innovative teaching methods to engage students, promote active learning, and encourage individual growth.

In addition to academic pursuits, Duloe CofE VA Junior and Infant School emphasizes the importance of extracurricular activities. Students have opportunities to participate in various clubs and sports, fostering creativity, teamwork, and a healthy lifestyle.

The school's facilities are modern and well-equipped, ensuring a conducive learning environment for students. There are well-maintained classrooms, a library, a playground, and other resources that support a holistic educational experience.


  • Comprehensive curriculum covering various subjects
  • Experienced teachers using innovative teaching methods
  • Opportunities for extracurricular activities and clubs
  • Modern and well-equipped facilities


  • Limited space for expansion due to the location in a village
  • May have fewer resources compared to larger schools in urban areas
USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare