USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Springwell School (Community Special School)

Hartlepool, Wiltshire Way, Hartlepool TS26 0TB, UK

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din 43 școli, Hartlepool

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Contacte, Springwell School (Community Special School)

TS26 0TB



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PK - 5

Setările instituției, Springwell School (Community Special School)

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Informația generală, Springwell School (Community Special School)

Springwell School is a community special school located in Hartlepool, UK. We provide specialized education and support for students with special needs, disabilities, and complex learning difficulties.

Our school offers a diverse range of classes tailored to meet the individual needs of our students. From basic literacy and numeracy skills to life skills and vocational training, we ensure that every student receives a personalized education plan.

At Springwell School, we believe in creating an inclusive learning environment where each student can thrive. Our dedicated and experienced staff work closely with students to provide the necessary support and motivation.

Our facilities are designed to cater to the unique requirements of our students. We have specialized classrooms, sensory rooms, and therapy areas to support their learning and development. Additionally, we have a well-equipped IT suite, a library, and outdoor play spaces for recreational activities.


  • Specialized education and support for students with special needs and disabilities
  • Personalized learning plans
  • Inclusive and supportive learning environment
  • Dedicated and experienced staff
  • Specialized facilities for sensory and therapy needs
  • Well-equipped IT suite and library
  • Outdoor play spaces for recreational activities


  • Restricted to students with special needs and disabilities
  • May have limited resources compared to mainstream schools
  • May require specialized transportation services

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare