USA, Somerville Selectarea instituțiilor

Dean Valley Community Primary School (Community School)

Macclesfield, Bollington, Macclesfield SK10 5HR, UK

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din 38 școli, Macclesfield

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Contacte, Dean Valley Community Primary School (Community School)

SK10 5HS



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PK - 5

Setările instituției, Dean Valley Community Primary School (Community School)

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Rating, Dean Valley Community Primary School (Community School)

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Informația generală, Dean Valley Community Primary School (Community School)

Dean Valley Community Primary School is a community school located in Macclesfield, UK. It offers education to students from various grades, focusing on disciplines like English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Arts. The school provides a safe and nurturing environment for its students to learn and grow.

The school offers a wide range of classes and activities that cater to the diverse interests and abilities of the students. These include sports, music, drama, and extracurricular clubs. The dedicated teachers at Dean Valley Community Primary School strive to instill a love for learning in their students and help them reach their full potential.

The facilities at the school are well-maintained and equipped with modern amenities. The classrooms are spacious and furnished with the necessary resources to facilitate effective learning. There are also specialized rooms for activities like art, music, and science experiments. The school has an outdoor playground where students can engage in physical activities and sports.

Pros of Dean Valley Community Primary School include its strong sense of community, dedicated teachers, and a well-rounded curriculum that fosters the holistic development of the students. The school also emphasizes the importance of values like respect, kindness, and tolerance.

Cons may include limited resources in certain areas and the need for ongoing improvements in facilities and infrastructure.

USA, Somerville Autorizare