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Contacte, Sowerby Bridge High School (Community School)
5 - 12Setările instituției, Sowerby Bridge High School (Community School)
Fotografiile adaugate de utilizatori, Sowerby Bridge High School (Community School)
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Informația generală, Sowerby Bridge High School (Community School)
Sowerby Bridge High School is a community school that offers a diverse range of classes and disciplines to its students. From its early years program to its sixth form, the school caters to students of all grades. The classes cover various subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Languages, Technology, and Arts. The school boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, science and computer labs, a library, a sports hall, and outdoor sports fields. The dedicated and experienced faculty ensures that students receive quality education and individual attention. The school promotes a sense of community and provides extracurricular activities for students to enhance their skills and interests. While the location offers a picturesque setting, the school's accessibility may be challenging for some students. Overall, Sowerby Bridge High School provides a nurturing environment for students to academically grow and flourish.
Recenzii, Sowerby Bridge High School (Community School)
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