USA, Somerville Selectarea instituțiilor

Light Oaks Infant School (Community School)

Salford, Lancaster Rd, Salford M6 8LU, UK

Informații generale


Contacte, Light Oaks Infant School (Community School)

M6 8LU



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PK - 1

Setările instituției, Light Oaks Infant School (Community School)

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Informația generală, Light Oaks Infant School (Community School)

Light Oaks Infant School is a community school located in Salford. The school caters to infant students and offers classes and grades for children in their early years of education. The school provides a wide range of disciplines, including English, math, science, art, and physical education.

The school is well-known for its experienced and dedicated teachers who create a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for its students. The curriculum is designed to be engaging and interactive, allowing students to develop essential skills and knowledge. The dedicated staff ensures that each child receives the individual attention and support they need to thrive academically and emotionally.

Light Oaks Infant School is equipped with modern facilities to enhance the learning experience. The school has well-equipped classrooms with interactive whiteboards and multimedia systems. It also has specialized spaces for art and science activities, a library for quiet reading and research, and a playground for outdoor activities.

Pros of attending Light Oaks Infant School include its focus on creating a supportive and inclusive environment, experienced and dedicated teachers, a well-designed curriculum, and modern facilities. Students have the opportunity to develop a strong foundation for their future education in a nurturing and stimulating setting.

Cons of attending Light Oaks Infant School may include a limited range of extracurricular activities compared to some larger schools and limited enrollment openings due to its popularity.

USA, Somerville Autorizare