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Tyssen Community Primary School (Community School)

London, Oldhill St, Cazenove, London N16 6LR, UK

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of 1815 schools, London

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Contacts, Tyssen Community Primary School (Community School)

N16 6QA

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PK - 5

Features, Tyssen Community Primary School (Community School)


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General information, Tyssen Community Primary School (Community School)

Tyssen Community Primary School is a vibrant community school located in the Cazenove area of London. The school offers a wide range of classes for primary students, including English, mathematics, science, art, music, and physical education. Students at Tyssen Community Primary School are organized into different grades, from Reception to Year 6, allowing them to learn alongside peers of their own age. The school follows a comprehensive curriculum that covers all essential subjects, ensuring a well-rounded education for its students. The school emphasizes a diverse range of disciplines to cater to the varied interests and abilities of its students. Alongside core subjects, students have the opportunity to explore areas such as drama, technology, and foreign languages. This diversity provides a well-rounded education and encourages students to discover their passions and talents. Tyssen Community Primary School boasts inclusive facilities designed to support the learning and development of all students. The school is equipped with modern classrooms, a library, technology resources, and a playground. These facilities provide students with a safe and engaging environment in which to learn, explore, and grow. One of the key advantages of Tyssen Community Primary School is its strong community involvement. The school actively encourages parents, guardians, and members of the local community to participate in school life, fostering a sense of belonging and collaboration. This involvement greatly benefits the students, as it helps create a supportive and nurturing environment. However, one potential drawback of the school is the limited extracurricular options available. While Tyssen Community Primary School prioritizes academic subjects, there may be fewer extracurricular activities compared to some other schools. Overall, Tyssen Community Primary School is a vibrant community school that provides a diverse range of classes, inclusive facilities, and a strong sense of community. It offers students a well-rounded education and encourages their personal and academic growth.
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