USA, Somerville Потражи

Coleman F. Brown Elementary

Modesto, 2024 Vera Cruz Dr, Modesto, CA 95355, USA

Генерална информација


Контакти, Coleman F. Brown Elementary


Поштански број

(209) 574-5100



KG - 5

Могућности, Coleman F. Brown Elementary

Основна школа
Средње школе

Рејтинг, Coleman F. Brown Elementary

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Фотографије корисника, Coleman F. Brown Elementary

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Генерална информација, Coleman F. Brown Elementary

Coleman F. Brown Elementary in Modesto, CA offers a comprehensive educational program for students in various grades. The school follows a well-rounded curriculum, providing classes in core subjects such as math, science, language arts, and social studies. In addition to the core subjects, students have access to classes in music, art, physical education, and technology.

The school houses state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms equipped with technology to enhance learning. There are also dedicated spaces for specialized subjects like a music room, art studio, and a fully equipped science lab. The campus features expansive grounds with playgrounds and outdoor seating areas.

Coleman F. Brown Elementary nurtures a positive and inclusive environment, with a team of dedicated teachers who strive to provide personalized attention to each student. The school promotes collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity, preparing students for success in their future endeavors.

Pros of Coleman F. Brown Elementary include a wide range of extracurricular activities, fostering the holistic development of students. The school also encourages parent involvement through various programs and volunteer opportunities. Additionally, the location in Modesto, CA provides easy access to community resources and cultural experiences.

Cons for some families may include a large student population leading to limited individual attention in certain instances, and potential transportation concerns if living far from the school.

Coleman F. Brown Elementary in Modesto, CA offers a well-rounded educational program with modern facilities and a focus on student engagement and development. Discover more about the school!
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