USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Kettle Moraine 4k

Genesee Depot, WI-83, Genesee Depot, WI 53127, USA

Informații generale



din 2 școli, Genesee Depot

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Contacte, Kettle Moraine 4k



(262) 968-6450

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Setările instituției, Kettle Moraine 4k

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Rating, Kettle Moraine 4k

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Informația generală, Kettle Moraine 4k

Kettle Moraine 4k Genesee Depot is a school located in Genesee Depot, WI. The school offers classes for preschool children ages 4-5. The curriculum focuses on early childhood education and development, helping children to build a strong foundation for their academic journey.

The school provides a wide range of disciplines, including language arts, math, science, social studies, and art. Students engage in hands-on activities and interactive lessons to foster their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth.

The facility at Kettle Moraine 4k Genesee Depot is well-equipped with age-appropriate materials and resources. There are spacious classrooms, a library, a playground, and an outdoor learning area. The school's environment is safe and nurturing, ensuring that every child feels comfortable and supported.

Pros of Kettle Moraine 4k Genesee Depot include a dedicated and experienced staff who are passionate about early childhood education. The school emphasizes individualized attention and small class sizes, allowing teachers to cater to the unique needs of each child. The curriculum is designed to be engaging and interactive, promoting a love for learning in every student.

Cons of Kettle Moraine 4k Genesee Depot are not readily apparent. However, prospective parents may want to consider transportation arrangements as the school does not provide transportation services.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare