USA, Point Pleasant Beach Consulter

Donald R. Kuhn Juvenile Center

Julian, 1 Lory Pl, Julian, WV 25529, USA

Information générale


Contacts, Donald R. Kuhn Juvenile Center


Code postal

(304) 369-2987



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Caractéristiques, Donald R. Kuhn Juvenile Center

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Information générale, Donald R. Kuhn Juvenile Center

p: Donald R. Kuhn Juvenile Center is a correctional facility located in Julian, WV. It offers a structured educational program to incarcerated youth, focusing on academic classes and helping students achieve their educational goals. p: The center provides classes for various grades, accommodating students from middle school to high school. The curriculum is designed to meet the educational needs of each student, offering a range of subjects such as mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies. Special attention is given to individualized learning plans, ensuring students can catch up with their studies or advance academically. p: The facility offers a disciplined environment to promote learning and personal growth. It includes well-equipped classrooms and resources to support the educational process. The teachers at Donald R. Kuhn Juvenile Center are experienced and dedicated to guiding students through their academic journey. p: Pros of the center include its focus on education, providing a chance for incarcerated youth to continue their studies and prepare for a better future. The dedicated teachers and individualized learning plans contribute to a supportive learning environment. Additionally, the structured routine and discipline within the center help students develop self-discipline and responsibility. p: However, there are also some cons. Being a correctional facility, Donald R. Kuhn Juvenile Center does not offer the same opportunities and freedom as traditional schools. The strict rules and regulations imposed may restrict certain activities and social interactions.

Discover Donald R. Kuhn Juvenile Center in Julian, WV. Offering a variety of classes and grades to incarcerated youth, the center provides a robust curriculum and disciplined facility. However, it does have its pros and cons.

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