USA, Somerville Підбір закладів

Concord Graded/middle School

Concord, 173 School St, Concord, VT 05824, USA

Загальна інформація


Контакти, Concord Graded/middle School



(802) 695-2550



PK - 12

Параметри закладу, Concord Graded/middle School

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Інформація про школу, Concord Graded/middle School

Concord Graded/Middle School is a comprehensive educational institution located in Concord, Vermont. The school is dedicated to providing a nurturing learning environment for students in grades K-8. With a focus on academic excellence and character development, Concord Graded/Middle School offers a wide range of classes across various disciplines.

The school prides itself on its diverse curriculum, which includes subjects like English, math, science, social studies, and physical education. The experienced faculty at Concord Graded/Middle School are committed to the success of their students and provide individualized support to help them reach their full potential.

Concord Graded/Middle School boasts excellent facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, libraries, science labs, and gymnasiums. These facilities provide students with the resources they need to engage actively in their studies and explore their interests.

Committed to holistic development, the school encourages extracurricular activities and sports. Students have the opportunity to participate in various clubs, such as music, art, drama, and student government. Additionally, Concord Graded/Middle School offers a range of athletic programs, providing students with the chance to develop their physical abilities and promote teamwork.

One of the notable advantages of attending Concord Graded/Middle School is the strong sense of community. Parent involvement is encouraged, and there are frequent opportunities for parents to engage with the school and support their child's education.

While Concord Graded/Middle School offers a well-rounded education, one potential drawback is the limited extracurricular options. While there are various clubs and sports available, the selection may be limited compared to larger schools. However, the dedicated faculty and supportive community help make Concord Graded/Middle School an exceptional place for students to learn and grow.

Concord Graded/Middle School - providing quality education in a nurturing environment for students in grades K-8.

USA, Somerville Авторизація