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Walden School

West Danville, 135 Cahoon Farm Rd, West Danville, VT 05873, USA

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of 1 Škole, West Danville

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(802) 563-3000



PK - 8

Моgućnosti, Walden School

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Ocjena, Walden School

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Opće informacije, Walden School

Walden School West Danville is a vibrant learning community in Vermont, USA. They offer classes from kindergarten to 8th grade, catering to a wide range of student ages and abilities. The school focuses on a well-rounded education, with an emphasis on academic excellence, character development, and community engagement.

Classes at Walden School West Danville cover a variety of disciplines, including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and the arts. The curriculum is designed to be challenging yet accessible, fostering a love for learning and critical thinking skills.

The school's facilities are modern and conducive to learning. They feature well-equipped classrooms, science labs, art studios, a library, and a playground. The school also offers extracurricular activities such as sports, music, drama, and community service opportunities.

Prospective students and parents can expect a caring and nurturing environment at Walden School West Danville. The dedicated faculty and staff work closely with students to ensure their academic and personal growth. Small class sizes allow for individualized attention and support, helping each student reach their full potential.

While there are many benefits to attending Walden School West Danville, it is worth noting that it is a smaller school and therefore may have limited resources compared to larger institutions. However, this is often outweighed by the close-knit community and the personal attention given to each student.

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