USA, Grandview Heights देखो

Ash Fork Elementary School

Ash Fork, 46999 N 5th St, Ash Fork, AZ 86320, USA

सामान्य जानकारी


संपर्क, Ash Fork Elementary School


डाक कोड

(928) 637-2561



KG - 5

विशेषताएं, Ash Fork Elementary School

बाल विहार
प्राथमिक स्कूल
माध्यमिक पाठशाला

रेटिंग, Ash Fork Elementary School

कोई दर अभी तक नहीं है


आवश्यकता 4 स्टूडियो रेटिंग









उपयोगकर्ता तस्वीरें, Ash Fork Elementary School

0 फोटो अपलोड किया गया

सामान्य जानकारी, Ash Fork Elementary School

Ash Fork Elementary School is located in Ash Fork, Arizona. The school offers a comprehensive education to students from various grades. The classes at Ash Fork Elementary School cover a wide range of disciplines including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and physical education. The dedicated faculty ensures that the students receive a well-rounded education while fostering a positive learning environment.

Ash Fork Elementary School provides education from kindergarten to grade six, catering to the academic needs of children in their formative years. The school's facilities include well-equipped classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a playground. These facilities are designed to engage and motivate students, fostering their intellectual and physical growth.

Pros of Ash Fork Elementary School include a highly qualified faculty, a strong emphasis on academic excellence, and a supportive community. The teachers at the school are knowledgeable and dedicated to helping each student succeed. The school also encourages a spirit of collaboration among students, fostering teamwork and social skills.

On the other hand, one potential con of Ash Fork Elementary School may be its rural location, which may limit access to certain resources or extracurricular activities. However, the school strives to provide a well-rounded education within its means.

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